How Can Physical Therapy Help Prevent Common Running Injuries?

September 20th, 2022
Physical Therapy

Are you tired of your knee, foot, or ankle, injury taking the enjoyment out of your runs? Has your injury gotten so bad that you can no longer run at all? Try Physical Therapy treatment today!

At Endeavors Pediatric Therapy Clinic, our physical therapists understand how important running is for your mental and physical health. Our team uses the most advanced treatment techniques to ensure results and prevent future episodes from getting in your way!

The physical therapists at Endeavors Pediatric Therapy are highly skilled clinicians who understand the physical demands of running. When you come to us for rehabilitation, you can rest assured knowing you’ll get better faster.

Request an appointment with one of our physical therapists to learn more about how we can help you get back running pain-free!

Common runner’s injuries

Running is an excellent way to get active, but unfortunately, it can sometimes be hard on the body. A few common examples of running-related injuries include:

Runner’s knee

Runner’s knee is also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome and is the most common running-related injury/condition. It is often an overuse injury and affects as many as 30% of female runners and 25% of male runners.

For most runners, the knee pain starts from training errors, specifically overuse errors. For example, when runners attempt to increase their mileage or intensity too rapidly or too frequently, it results in breakdown and painful symptoms.

Foot and ankle injuries

Foot and ankle injuries account for nearly one-third of running injuries. The severity of the injury depends on the severity of damage to the ligaments supporting the ankle. Often the ankle sprain is a minor injury, but proper rehabilitation is needed to prevent reoccurrence.

Improper or inadequate rehabilitation after an initial sprain increases reinjury chances. It is suggested that up to 70% of individuals who sustain a lateral ankle sprain may develop chronic instability, which makes them susceptible to future injuries.

While many factors can lead to an ankle sprain, specific steps are needed to resolve acute injuries and prevent reinjuries and chronic instability. Our physical therapists are experts at resolving the injured area while addressing the factors contributing to reinjury or new injuries.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis accounts for up to 10 percent of all running injuries each year. It is common with all types of runners, elite and novice.

Plantar fasciitis is a disorder primarily affecting weight-bearing activities, and runners are particularly susceptible to developing this condition. Recent research has identified the most common underlying cause of plantar fasciitis as a loss of dorsiflexion range of motion.

Shin splints

Shin splints are known in the medical community as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS). It is a common condition associated with starting a new exercise program or increasing an existing program. Runners, in particular, are particularly susceptible to MTSS, and it is considered one of the most common overuse injuries sustained by runners.

How does physical therapy treatment help prevent these injuries?

At (Practice Name), our therapists are trained to help runners of all experience levels prevent injury. We have experience collaborating with runners to help them develop custom plans that work for them. If you’re a runner, your custom injury prevention plan may look something like this:

  • Education on proper running form
  • The incorporation of new cross training programs such as cycling or swimming into your routine.
  • Assistance in helping you choose the proper shoe, and fitting you with custom orthotics if necessary
  • Prescribing you the proper pre and post run stretches and exercises

If you have already sustained an injury from running, our team can help rehabilitate you. The initial stages of physical therapy treatment will focus on restoring any lost motion, reducing any swelling, and using all available treatments to alleviate any pain you may be experiencing.

Our program will also look for any changes in your gait pattern that may make it difficult for you to move around freely. Dysfunctional movement patterns can last for years and lead to reinjury and potentially other injuries.

Next, we will design a comprehensive program that includes restoring range of motion, strengthening, neuromuscular control, proprioceptive responses, and running-specific exercises. Our physical therapists will show you therapeutic exercises to address any underlying issue, such as a weakness that may be contributing to altered movement patterns, balance issues, and overall susceptibility to more injuries.

Our goal is to give you the tools to recover from your injury and resume running pain-free!

Not ready to give up running? Contact Endeavors Pediatric Therapy Clinic today!

At Endeavors Pediatric Therapy clinic we don’t want anything to get in the way of your favorite activity. If you’re interested in a custom injury rehabilitation or prevention program, contact Endeavors Pediatric Therapy clinic today to request an appointment. We’ll keep you running for years to come.

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